Live Life Your Way: Create The Guide To Your Life or simply leave Very Important Notes!

No one likes the thought of growing older. But imagine growing older and not being able to live your life the way you want to. 

Just because you're growing older doesn't mean you're ready to hand the keys over to another driver – but if you did, you'd want to make sure your chauffeur is driving you in style! 

So, what can you do to make sure you always get to live life the way you want regardless of what may come?

Are They Even Listening?

It is so easy to assume our nearest and dearest are listening to everything we say. It may be obvious to you that there are things that bring you joy. But do your loved ones remember what music you love to dance to? Will your nearest and dearest remember your favorite foods or music you love to dance to? Do your loved ones take note of all the little things you do in your day that make you happy?

We can assume our friends and family know us inside out, but what happens when they perhaps don't know us quite as well as we think or are not used to our daily routines?

Never put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket!

If they're then entrusted with our care, how can we help them make the right decisions for our health, happiness and well-being?

We all think we've got all the time in the world to prepare for our later years. After all, we all feel 21 inside! But, sometimes life takes over, it may not be so easy to live life the way you want to unless you have somebody who knows exactly what you want from life and beyond.

This is where Very Important Notes comes in. Let the templates help you have the conversations and create the Very Important Notes that can help your loved ones to navigate the guide to your life.

None of us wants to be in a position where we can't fully communicate our wishes. Sadly, this can be common as we enter into older age. So, make sure you stay in control of the map by creating your Very Important Notes.

Create A Life Guide with Very Important Notes

The whole point of Very Important Notes is to help you document the life you want and share your thoughts, even if you may not be able to communicate this.

Having clarity about what you want in later life not only gives you the power to ensure your life best matches your wishes, passion and purpose, but it also reduces the stress and uncertainty for your loved ones.

Your friends, family, carers and supporters may want you to live your best life. 

However, they can worry so much that they're making the wrong choices. We've all been there. We think we're doing what's best but have actually made the wrong choice (hello, rubbish Christmas presents!). So taking this stress away by leaving some Very Important Notes or a guide to your life can help steer your loved ones in the right direction and make sure you can keep living the life you have in mind.

Explore our notes to get inspired and get started!


Later Life Decisions