Unexpected Tears: The Power of a Song to Bring Back Memories

Who would have thought mopping the floor could end in floods of tears (although housework does occasionally bring on the urg to cry!…  Sometimes, the most ordinary tasks can hit you with the most unexpected emotions.

"Desert Island Discs" was playing in background, the show where guests pick eight songs they'd want if they were stranded on a deserted island, and  I was just mopping away when Celine Dion's "Dance with My Father Again" came on.

OMG, that song! It’s so emotional, talking about the bond with your father hit home, having lost mine a couple of years ago. Suddenly, I was back in time, remembering moments with my dad as all those memories just came flooding back.

Before I knew it, I was standing there, mop in hand, tears streaming down my face, crying so hard, I couldn’t see what I was doing. It’s crazy how a simple song can unlock so many feelings and memories. It made me realise how much I miss my dad and how much his love shaped who I am. It was overwhelming but kind of healing too. Just a reminder of how powerful music and memories can be and after a time, a big hurt from loss can be a gentle reminder….

Isn't it funny how memories sneak up on you like that? A smell, a sound, or a song, and suddenly you're right back in the past. These memories are so precious. They remind us of the love and connections that make up our lives. Sometimes, you just have to stop and feel them.   It’s like acknowledging all the deep love you’ve experienced which is why it can hurt so much.

As I stood there, still with mop in hand and eyes all puffy, I realised something. Letting yourself feel these emotions is so important. It's a way to remember all the joy, sorrow, and everything in between that makes life so rich. 

That show, "Desert Island Discs," got me thinking about the soundtrack of our lives. Each guest’s song choices tell a story about their life. So, what would my life's soundtrack look like?

It’s kind of like hypnotism, in a way. It takes you back to a specific time and place, unlocking memories and emotions. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not so much. But it always shows how our past shapes our present in unexpected ways.

Music can take us back in an instant. For me, there would be disco favourites that bring back carefree nights dancing with friends. Then there are the heartbreak songs that remind me of lost loves and all the tears I shed. But also the strength I found to move on. The song from my wedding dance? That one’s all about joy and commitment. And let’s not forget the songs from family gatherings that bring back laughter-filled nights or holidays and warm family traditions. And of course, those quiet reflection songs that are perfect for those introspective moments.

Creating a personal soundtrack isn’t just about nostalgia. It’s about recognizing how those moments and memories have shaped who we are. Each song is like a chapter in our journey. Putting together the soundtrack of your life can be such a therapeutic way to document those moments, giving them the special place they deserve in your personal history.

So, next time you vaguely notice background music, and a song comes on that brings on a flood of memories, just go with it. These moments show us the deep love and losses in our lives, and they’re worth every tear.

From Disco to Heartbreak: Curating Your Life’s Music Journey

Why not look at creating the soundtrack to your life? It's a fun way to remember the moments that have shaped you, filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between. Here’s tips to get started.

Club Nights or Disco Days

Think back to your disco days or those carefree times when you felt unstoppable. Remember those nights dancing with friends, feeling the beat under the disco ball? These songs are the anthems of your youth. They capture all the fun and freedom.

Heartbreak Hits

Next, pull out those heartbreak songs. You know, the ones that got you through the tough times. They might make you tear up, but they also remind you of the strength you found to move on. These tracks are all about the ups and downs of love.

Big Romantic Moments

Then there are the big romantic moments. Maybe it was a wedding dance, or maybe it was just a perfect evening with someone special. These songs bring back all the feels of those magical times.

Family and friends Gathering Tunes

Think about the songs from family gatherings. The tracks that remind you of laughter-filled evenings, holiday traditions, and the warmth of being surrounded by loved ones. These songs are like a hug from your history.

Quiet Reflection Melodies

Lastly, include songs for those quiet moments of reflection. These are the tracks you turn to when you need some peace and solace. They help you think, relax, and just be.

Putting It All Together

Once you’ve got your list, take a moment to appreciate how each song tells a part of your story. This isn’t just about looking back; it’s about seeing how these moments have made you who you are today.   Download your list or create a spotify playlist to share with those that may have shared some of the tunes!

Why Do This?

Creating your life’s soundtrack can be really therapeutic. It’s a way to honour and remember the important moments and feelings that have shaped you. Plus, it’s a beautiful way to celebrate your journey and the experiences that have made you uniquely you.

So grab a drink, sit down with your favourite playlist app or download this guide, and start compiling. You'll find yourself on a trip down memory lane, filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between. Enjoy the ride!


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